'I am 15 years old and I've been working with Chris since I was 6. Initially, Chris helped me keep up with my English school work so that I wouldn’t fall behind, but when I was able to do it on my own we began more complex exercises. For instance, different styles of writing: newspaper articles, stories, poetry, non-fiction etc., but also different techniques and tricks regarding grammar, spelling and punctuation. There was a lot to remember so he came up with all sorts of fun ways to help me, like acronyms and small sentences (I still use them all the time).
'When I reached higher level English classes, I had no difficulty at all and frankly most of it was quite easy since I had done a lot of it with Chris already. So as well as focusing on the main task, I could really fine tune and experiment with different things, which really made school English class much more fun and interesting.
'Chris directly taught me to be independent and organised. It was a bit difficult for me in the beginning, but it was worth it since I became much more responsible not only in my work but in everything I do.
'Chris's tutoring has not only helped me reach a high level in English, but also helped me enjoy it a lot more, improving my confidence and mindset regarding all my studies. Most importantly, I always have a little fun during his lessons.'
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